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Part 2: An Event Planner’s Guide to GenAI Prompts

AI, AI, AI! Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in the hospitality and events industry at the moment. Part one of the best AI prompts for event planners series generated (pun intended) so much buzz that we decided to bring you part two. While no tech or tool is talented, creative, or experienced enough to do your job for you, they can put much-needed time back into your day and help you shine like the star that you are. So, without further ado, here are some ready-to-go prompts you can leverage to get the creative juices flowing and get stuff done.

A Prompt for Creating Post-Event Content

Whether you’re looking to help boost the portfolio content on your company’s website, generate a social media post about a past event, or include relevant examples in a proposal for a future program, post-event content can come in handy. But it can be hard sometimes to put visuals into words and describe your decor in a way others will find engaging. Well, it’s Claude to the rescue! Claude can do many cool things, but one of its most useful features for event planners is its ability to analyze images. In addition to helping you with post-event content, it can assist in the planning stage by identifying themes or trends amongst a selection of images you like. This is great info to have before you make your way into Canva or another AI-powered design tool.

*Information in brackets should be swapped out for the details of your event!*

The Prompt: You’re an expert event planner looking to describe a past event to create promotional materials for your company. You need to generate promotional content that includes:

  1. A short event description of 200 words max that your company can post on their website. This should be catchy and engaging to generate interest and focus on the decor and entertainment elements used for this event. Use terms to describe colors, materials, and any other decorative elements in the images.
  2. Three social media posts for Facebook that the company can post to promote the event to generate interest amongst prospective attendees.

Please analyze the photos attached to generate this content for this [Graffiti Art-Inspired Dinner Reception] event in [South Florida] at [Wynwood Walls].

The Response:

A Prompt for Proposal Email Writing

We’ve all been there. You have an amazing program jam-packed with ingenious itineraries and to-die-for visuals; you just need to send it to your client or stakeholders. You need a succinct yet intriguing message that will excite your recipients for what’s in store… but the words just won’t come. Instead of spending countless minutes staring at a blinking cursor, have ChatGPT help you out! We ran this prompt through ChatGPT and Claude, another popular GenAI tool, for comparison’s sake.

*Information in brackets should be swapped out for the details of your event!*

The Prompt: You’re an expert event planner sending a proposal to your client, [CLIENT NAME] for an [incentive trip] you’re planning in [the Scottsdale, AZ desert]. You need to write a short, catchy email that will get them excited to read the proposal you’ve put together for them. Please include:

  1. A salutation to Mary Joe and her team
  2. One short paragraph describing what you’ve created that will make them want to learn more
  3. A closing that ties back to the theme or elements of the event

Here are some details that you can use to create this content:

  • This is [a luxurious private festival]
  • This will be hosted [in a barn in the Scottsdale, AZ desert] on [October 4-7, 2026]
  • The theme will be [an upscale harvest festival]
  • Entertainment will include [hand-rolled cigars, western activations like cowboy golf, lasso toss, cowboy hat toss, cowboy hook and ring, and rattlesnake roundup]
  • Food and beverages will include [vintage wine carts and beer tap trucks, a hot apple cider bar with all the fixings]
  • Activities will include a [country western band leading line dancing lessons]

The Response: ChatGPT

A Prompt for Summarizing Venues

So, your DMC has helped you vet potential venues to leverage for your next event, and you’re excited to share them with others. But you need a version for your organization’s TLDR–inclined crew. While you want all the nitty-gritty details to make an informed decision, busy executives love nothing more than a succinct summary that they can easily scan between meetings or on the road. Never fear; ChatGPT is here to help!

*Information in brackets should be swapped out for your details!*

The Prompt: You’re an expert event planner who has worked with your DMC to select several venues and vendors for an upcoming event in [LA]. You need to brief your colleagues on the venues and activities you’ve chosen in a way that they can easily scan and understand. Please include:

  1. A 1-2 sentence description of each chosen venue pulled from their websites.
  2. 3-5 bullets describing how this venue supports the event goal or theme.
  3. 3-5 bullets describing how this venue will be used during this event.

Here are some details that you can use to create this content:

  • This is [an old Hollywood event experience]
  • The event will be for [600 guests]
  • The goal is to [give the attendees a taste of old-school LA they will never forget]
  • Venue 1 will be the [New York Backlot at Paramount Studios: https://www.paramountstudios.com/new-york-backlot.html ], where we will include [nods to the film noir genre, casino games, live entertainment, cigar rolling, and cocktails galore]
  • Venue 2 will be the [Dolby Theatre: https://dolbytheatre.com/about/about-the-dolby-theatre/] where we will host [an A-lister, red carpet event with decor that reflects Classic Hollywood]

The Response:

Are you ready to get chatting with your GenAI assistant? We hope this article has given you some food for thought when it comes to quick and easy ways to use AI to help you get the job done. Want more ideas? Good, because we’re already planning a part three! 😀 In the meantime, reach out to see how 360DG can help you make the most of what you do.

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